
Our goal is to deliver optimized and energy-efficient energy solutions. Therefore, we offer professional advice and consultation in all aspects of a geothermal energy project.

Consultation in all phases of a geothermal energy project

We are a leading innovator in the geothermal energy industry.

We perform drilling and installation for heat pump systems that combine geothermal heating and cooling. With the help of our experienced experts, we can offer consultation, pre-studies, and installation in all types of geothermal energy projects.

Additionally, our experts can assist you as a customer or partner with:

* Optimized energy efficiency with geothermal energy.

* Industry-specific training, seminars, and webinars.

* Permit applications for geothermal energy.

* Troubleshooting of geothermal energy systems.

* Consultation for tender procedures of geothermal energy projects.

Utbildning och webinarier

Customized training sessions and webinars

We offer tailored online webinars, lectures, and training sessions covering all aspects of geothermal energy.

Our training sessions and webinars are customized in collaboration with the client. We provide education on both general and fundamental topics, as well as more industry-specific specialist areas. We ensure that the client and participants receive the right knowledge and information within the desired area.

The sessions are arranged according to preferences and demand – either in person or online.

Our Consulting Services


At Rototec, we offer consultation in all phases of your geothermal energy project. Our goal is to always provide our customers with the most optimized facilities that combine geothermal heating and cooling.

Preliminary Studies

In our preliminary studies, we analyze the suitability for drilling and installing geothermal energy facilities in a property or building. Here, we map out the specific energy needs of the objects and then provide a cost estimate.

Design and Engineering

We are experienced pioneers in the industry and proudly hold the title of the largest provider of geothermal energy. Our engineering expertise suits all types and sizes of geothermal heating and cooling facilities.


We conduct various types of measurements to ensure that our projects maintain the highest quality. We perform measurements of the bedrock and boreholes using the latest technology available in the industry.

Energy Simulations

We ensure optimal sizing and operation through EED simulation. Using IDA ICE, the property's energy consumption and technology are simulated to find the best solution for each property or building.


Rototec as a Partner

With us as your certified partner, your geothermal energy project will be smoothly and safely executed. In this brochure, you can read more about the benefits of working with Rototec on your next geothermal energy project.

Would you like to get in touch with our experts?

Please leave your contact information with us if you are interested in our services or have questions about geothermal energy. Our customer service will contact you as soon as possible.